News from GFAA

Cancellation of 2020 AIBT

Cancellation of 2020 AIBT

Due to the measures introduced by the Commonwealth and State Governments it has unfortunately been necessary to cancel the 2020 Australian International Billfish Tournament. It is planned to return in 2021 even bigger and better.

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Suspension of GFAA Awards and Record Claims

Today, 31st March 2020, the President Ian Bladin announced that effective at midnight tonight GFAA will be suspending entries for National Awards and the Junior Tournament as well as new record claims. For further details read the full announcement HERE.  

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Queensland black jewfish ban

Queensland black jewfish ban

The GFAA has today been advised of the closure of the black jewfish fishery until the end of 2020 as a result of the total allowable catch limits being reached. There is no specific recreational catch allowance for the species however once the commercial TAC is...

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Juniors Hooked Up in Townsville

Juniors Hooked Up in Townsville

GREAT FUN: William Travers, 8, Matilda Beetham, 5, Jackson Travers, 6, Jordyn Beetham, 7, and Maci Beetham, 3, from the Townsville Game Fishing Club, which has been praised for its great work with juniors. Greater focus on the future has paid big dividends for the...

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2019 AIBT

2019 AIBT

The 2019 Australian International Billfish Tournament got underway on the evening of September 11th with the briefing held at Yorkeys Knob Game Fishing Club. On Thursday morning the fishing got underway following a shotgun start. Early on Sue Crocker aboard Rammpage...

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President Doug in Siracusa Sicily

President Doug in Siracusa Sicily

It was a great night out for President Doug when in Siracusa Sicily, he got the opportunity to meet again with the European IGFA Trustee Massimo Brogna after fishing the La Sfida San Benedetto Del Tronto Tuna Tournament two years ago with him as the host. Good to...

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