Why Join a game fishing club
The Game Fishing Association of Australia (GFAA) is the longest established national fishing association in the world. It has been, and remains, a model and example for game fishing associations around the world. As such, the GFAA is affiliated with the International Game Fish Association (lGFA) and plays an active part in the leadership of the sport of game fishing on a world level.
The constitutional membership of the GFAA is the Australian States and the Northern Territory (the Canberra Game Fishing Club is affiliated with the New South Wales Game Fishing Association). Thus, game fishermen, wherever their place of residence, have a voice and representation – just as was planned by those who founded the national body in 1938.
Each of the State and Northern Territory branch memberships is made up of affiliated clubs. The club members – the fishermen – in turn, receive the benefit of membership.
There are many reasons for the success and longevity of the GFAA, all of which are directly related to benefits for the members.
These include:
- The administration of club, State and Australian records for male, lady and junior anglers – not only traditional offshore game fishing records, but also fly and land-based game.
- Organised club structures that help give knowledge on technique and where to find fish. club-organised tackle and ‘how-to’ instructional nights and the like.
- Fellowship and social functions within the clubs.
- Competition, both intra- and inter-club. That is, competition with other clubs, competition within the State and national competition.
- Representation for club, State or country in international competition. The GFAA and members of its state associations and member clubs are welcome and recognised at international tournaments. Such teams have competed successfully in international tournaments in New Zealand, Australia, Hawaii, Mexico, Central America, Tahiti and Nova Scotia.
- The dissemination and application of knowledge, which is important over a lifetime of fishing with a GFAA club.
- Receipt of member club and State associations’ newsletters and the GFAA’s Official Game Fishing journal.
However, one of the most important benefits of membership of clubs affiliated with the GFAA is to give input to club, State and national executives with governments and related organisations and departments. This involvement ideally leads to representation on government committees and advisory councils – a very necessary step. Thus, GFAA clubs and association members are more often becoming the contact point for government seeking advice and information, as well as contact points for lobbying on behalf of members.
Along the same lines, the GFAA offers game fishermen:
- Representation at national and international seminars on billfish and other pelagic species by all game fishing sectors.
- An active voice and contribution to ensure that recreational offshore fishermen have access to and an equitable share in fish and bait resources.
- The opportunity to take active executive positions in clubs, State associations and the national body, the GFAA.
- Advocacy to governments on issues affecting game fishers interests.
- The GFAA Executive strives to maintain affiliation fees at the minimum level necessary to give service and efficient operation.
The association’s interests in science and conservation are clear cut and the association is regarded, rightly, as a world leader.
The game fish tag and release programs and tournament minimum weights are just two examples of leadership in ethical fishing and conservation.
In addition, the GFAA has a research foundation. The wisely allocated grants that have been made so far are already providing benefits to fish and fishermen.
The GFAA is your organisation. The support and membership you give will result in multiplying benefits for you, the angler. Put simply … IF YOU GAME FISH, IT IS IN YOUR INTEREST TO BELONG TO A GFAA AFFILIATED CLUB.
state associations
New South Wales
- President:Steve Lamond
- Secretary:Nigel Rushworth
- Email:secretary@nswgfa.com.au
- Phone:0423 727 195
- Website:https://www.nswgfa.com.au
- Address:PO Box 730
Nelson Bay NSW 2315

- Secretary: Andrew Turner
- Club Address: PO Box 322
Batemans Bay NSW 2536
- Phone: 0415 652345
- Club Email: wimbie27@hotmail.com
- Club Website: https://www.batemansbaygfc.org
- Secretary: Maris Dumburg
- Club Address: PO Box 52
Bermagui 2546
- Phone: 0412 195 538
- Club Email: maris.dumburs@outlook.com
- Club Website: https://www.bbgac.com.au
- Secretary: ARneen Ayoub
- Club Address: PO Box R1717
Royal Exchange NSW 1225
- Phone: 0418 442 244
- Club Email: ameen@ameenlocksmith.com.au
- Club Website: https://www.botanybaygamefishing.com.au
- Secretary: Craig Findlay
- Club Address: PO Box 78
Newport Beach 2106
- Phone: 0408 052 799
- Club Email: infobbgfc@gmail.com
- Club Website: https://www.royalmotor.com.au/boating-groups/game-fishing
- Secretary: Matt Crampton
- Club Address: PO Box 94
Woden 2606
- Phone: 0438 260812
- Club Email: mattcrampton@gmail.com
- Club Website: https://www.canberragamefishing.com
- Secretary: Geoff Hallam
- Club Address: 28 Masons Parade
Gosford. NSW 2250
- Phone: 0408 881 714
- Club Email: president@ccgfc.com.au
- Club Website: https://www.ccgfc.com.au
- Secretary: James McGinty
- Club Address: PO Box 4123
Coffs Harbour 2450
- Phone: 0418 969 798
- Club Email: president@ccgsfc.com.au
- Club Website: https://www.deepseafishingclub.com.au
- Secretary: Bradley Borg
- Club Address: 13 Banksia Parade
Tuncurry 2428
- Phone: 0432 391 176
- Club Email: digwelding@outlook.com
- Club Website:
- Secretary: Dave Fenech
- Club Address: PO Box 56
Huskisson 2540
- Phone: 0491 212 861
- Club Email: offtap1@msn.com
- Club Website: https://www.jervisbaygfc.com/
- Secretary: Stuart Willick
- Club Address: PO Box 447
Kiama 2533
- Phone: 0411 502 569
- Club Email: offtap1@msn.com
- Club Website: https://www.kiamagfc.com.au
- Secretary: Michael Walker
- Club Address: PO BOx 53
Swansea 2281
- Phone: 0435 535 503
- Club Email: secretaryt@lmgfc.com.au
- Club Website: https://www.lmgfc.com.au
- Secretary: Vivienne Crombie
- Club Address: PO Box 1
Lord Howe Island 2898
- Phone:
- Club Email: crombielhi@gmail.com
- Club Website:
- Secretary: Fiona Beasley
- Club Address: PO Box 76
Merimbula 2548
- Phone: 0412 831 036
- Club Email: admin@mbglac.com.au
- Club Website: https://www.mbglac.com.au
- Secretary: JOHN Scott
- Club Address: PO Box 120
Narooma 2546
- Phone: 0408 963 850
- Club Email: jcr47@bigpond.com
- Club Website:
- Secretary: Troy Radford
- Club Address: 55A Shoal Bay Road
Shoal Bay 2315
- Phone: 0439 012 714
- Club Email: pacificblue_plumbing@hotmail.com
- Club Website: https://www.npsgfc.com
- Secretary: Rob Hyland
- Club Address: 56 Enterprise Drive
Beresfield NSW 2322
- Phone: 0418 498 598
- Club Email: president@mgfc.com.cu
- Club Website: https://www.newcastlegamefishingclub.com.au/
- Secretary: Daniel Bryant
- Club Address: PO Box 270
Caringbah 1495
- Phone: 0409 673 868
- Club Email: presidentphgfc@outlook.com
- Club Website: https://www.phgfc.com.au
- Secretary: David Wilson
- Club Address: PO Box 981
Port Macquarie 2444
- Phone: 0417 154 800
- Club Email: admin@pmgfc.com.au
- Club Website: https://www.pmgfc.com.au
- Secretary: Jay Mcliquham
- Club Address: PO Box 4175
Shellharbour 2529
- Phone: 0417 972 252
- Club Email: turbovac@hotmail.com.au
- Club Website: http://www.shellharbourgamefishing.com.au
- Secretary: Craig Murphy
- Club Address: PO Box 5
Greenwell Point 2540
- Phone: 0417 684259
- Club Email: shoalhavengfc@gmail.com
- Club Website: https://www.shoalhavengfc.com.au
- Secretary: Glenn Wright
- Club Address: PO Box W23
Watsons Bay 2030
- Phone: 0418 440 455
- Club Email: president@sgfc.com.au
- Club Website: https://www.sgfc.com.au
- Secretary: Greg McKay
- Club Address: PO Box 7005
Tathra 2550
- Phone: 0418 264 959
- Club Email: gk.mckay@bigpond.com
- Club Website: https://www.tathrafishingclub.com.au
- Secretary: George Lirantzis
- Club Address: PO Box 204
Ulladulla 2539
- Phone: 0419 300 400
- Club Email: ulladullagamefishingclub@bigpond.com
- Club Website: https://www.ulladullagamefishingclub.com.au/
- Secretary: Daniel Anderson
- Club Address: 6 Gallinutta Place
Glenmore Park 2745
- Phone: 0413 265 715
- Club Email: daniel_ando_466@hotmail.com
- Club Website: https://www.wollongonggfc.net
Northern Territory
- President:Jai Prolongeau
- Secretary:Melita McKinnon
- Email:secretary@ntgfa.com.au
- Phone:0437 941 798
- Website:https://www.ntgfa.com.au

- Secretary: Steve Roberts
- Club Address: PO Box 41866
Casuarina NT 0811
- Phone: 0419 871 195
- Club Email: info@darwingamefishingclub.com.au
- Club Website: https://www.darwingamefishingclub.com.au
- Secretary: Dale Piddick
- Club Address: PO Box 870
Nhulunbuy NT 0881
- Phone: 0448 127 638
- Club Email: fishingclubgove@gmail.com
- Club Website:
- Secretary: Rosa Lines
- Club Address: 28 Catalina Road
Marlow Lagoon 0830
- Phone: 0400 013 654
- Club Email: secretary@palmerstongamefishing.com.au
- Club Website: https://www.palmerstongamefishing.com.au
- President:David Trask
- Secretary:Michelle Sims
- Email:secretary@qgfa.com.au
- Phone:0408 797 074
- Website:https://www.qgfa.com.au

- Secretary: Floyd Selleck
- Club Address: PO Box 100
Bribie Island 4507
- Phone: 0412 998 044
- Club Email: f.selleck@bigpond.com
- Club Website: https://www.bigfc.com.au
- Secretary: Terri Morgan
- Club Address: PO Box 4741
Cairns 4870
- Phone: 0413 076 020
- Club Email: secretary@cairnsbluewatergfc.com.au
- Club Website: https://www.cairnsbluewatergfc.com.au
- Secretary: Shari Newton
- Club Address: PO Box 972
Paradise Point 4216
- Phone: 0415 910 060
- Club Email: gcgfc@yahoo.com
- Club Website: https://www.gcgfc.com.au
- Secretary: Christ Best
- Club Address: PO Box 31
Hervey Bay 4655
- Phone: 0431 967 538
- Club Email: secretary@hbgfc.org.au
- Club Website: https://www.hbgfc.org.au
- Secretary: Christine Bird
- Club Address: PO Box 1256
Ingham 4850
- Phone: 0457 502 938
- Club Email: irrc@outlook.com.au
- Club Website:
- Secretary: Charles Camagua
- Club Address: PO Box 853
Innisfail 4860
- Phone: 0428 642 283
- Club Email: contact@igfc.com.au
- Club Website: https://www.igfc.com.au
- Secretary: Steve Carroll
- Club Address: PO Box 1313
Cleveland 4163
- Phone: 0412 843 777
- Club Email: info@lsgfc.com.au
- Club Website: https://www.lsgfc.com.au
- Secretary: Doug Sanderson
- Club Address: PO Box 770
Maryborough 4650
- Phone: 0411 641362
- Club Email: sectreas@lizardislandgamefishingclub.com.au
- Club Website: https://www.lizardislandgamefishingclub.com.au
- Secretary: Michael White
- Club Address: PO Box 8171
Mount Pleasant 4740
- Phone: 0408 584 166
- Club Email: mackaygamefishclub@gmail.com
- Club Website:
- Secretary: Pam McLauglin
- Club Address: PO Box 90
Mission Beach 4852
- Phone: 0400 324 592
- Club Email: mbgfc@live.com.au
- Club Website:
- Secretary: Andre Venter
- Club Address: PO Box 1115
Mooloolaba 4575
- Phone: 0438 087 340
- Club Email: secretary@mgfc.com.au
- Club Website: https://www.mgfc.com.au
- Secretary: Carol Hutton
- Club Address: PO Box 371
Capalaba 4157
- Phone: Carol Hutton
- Club Email: admin@mbgfc.com.au
- Club Website: https://www.mbgfc.com.au
- Secretary: David Trask
- Club Address: PO Box 3013
Clontarf 4019
- Phone: 0412 886 077
- Club Email: newportgamefish@gmail.com
- Club Website: https://www.newportgamefishclub.com.au
- Secretary: Ian Bladin
- Club Address: PO Box 139
Port Douglas 4877
- Phone: 0428 458 039
- Club Email:
- Club Website: https://www.portdouglasmarlinchallenge.com.au
- Secretary: Greg Evans
- Club Address: PO Box 50
Scarborough 4020
- Phone: 0407 010 957
- Club Email: secretary@rpgsc.com.au
- Club Website: https://www.rpgsc.com.au
- Secretary: Nicole Burtt
- Club Address: PO Box 5251
Cairns 4870
- Phone: 0408 287 280
- Club Email: info@ribbons.org.au
- Club Website: https://www.ribbons.org.au
- Secretary: Oscar Oritz
- Club Address: PO Box 998
Buddina 4575
- Phone: 0406 128 462
- Club Email: president@scgfc.com.au
- Club Website: http://www.scgfc.com.au
- Secretary: Renee McKenzie
- Club Address: PO Box 5981
Townsville MC 4810
- Phone: 0429 043 660
- Club Email: tgfcinfo@gmail.com
- Club Website: http://www.townsvillegamefishclub.com
- Secretary: Ben Bright
- Club Address: PO Box 627
Weipa 4874
- Phone: 0427 577 630
- Club Email: weipoabillfishclub@gmail.com
- Club Website:
- Secretary: Stacey Gerhart
- Club Address: PO Box 877
Airlie Beach 4802
- Phone: 0427 467 377
- Club Email: whitsundaygamefishclub@gmail.com
- Club Website: http://www.wgfc.com.au
- Secretary: Rod Mays
- Club Address: PO Box 100
Yorkeys Knob 4878
- Phone: 0419 896 797
- Club Email: fishing@ykbc.com.au
- Club Website: http://www.ykbc.com.au/fishing
South Australia
- President:Paul Wilton
- Secretary:Mark Snadden
- Email:paul.wilton@bigpond.com
- Phone:0417 027 157
- Address:PO Box 95. Stepney. SA 5069

- Secretary: Will McLeay
- Club Address: 28 Dutton Tce
Medindie 5081
- Phone: 0407 718 539
- Club Email: wamcleay@gmail.com
- Club Website:
- Secretary: Paul Wilton
- Club Address: PO Box 95
Stepney 5069
- Phone: 0417 027 157
- Club Email: gamefishsa@esc.net.au
- Club Website: https://www.gamefishsa.org.au
- Secretary: Liam McKinnon
- Club Address: PO Box 2232
Mount Gambier 5290
- Phone: 0478 149 201
- Club Email: liam.mckinnon1997@gmail.com
- Club Website: https://www.pmoac.com/
- President:Jim Robertson
- Secretary:John Edwards
- Email:tgfa.secretary@gmail.com
- Phone:0427 656261

- Secretary: Elke Hansen
- Club Address: 57 Menaire Road
Stowport 7321
- Phone: 0447 569 929
- Club Email: info@gfcnt.com.au
- Club Website: https://www.gfcnt.com.au
- Secretary: Katie Russell
- Club Address: 57 Manaire Road
Stowport 7321
- Phone: 0419 576 108
- Club Email: sgfclub@outlook.com
- Club Website:
- Secretary: Nick Parkinson
- Club Address:
- Phone: 0416 254 859
- Club Email: nickparkinson@bigpond.com
- Club Website: https://www.sportsfishtas.com.au
- Secretary: Maddi Lynd
- Club Address: 8 Oarnella Drive
Stieglitz 7216
- Phone: 0429 797 185
- Club Email: shgfc11@gmail.com.au
- Club Website:
- Secretary: Robin Banks
- Club Address: PO Box 507
Sandy Bay 7006
- Phone: 0419 871 195
- Club Email: info@tunacluboftasmania.org.au
- Club Website: https://www.tunacluboftasmania.org.au/
- President:Alex King
- Secretary:Alexandra Steulton Koster
- Email:secretary@gfav.com.au
- Website:https://www.gfav.com.au

- Secretary: Kim Fletcher
- Club Address: PO Box 214
Sbeastapol 3356
- Phone: 0431 338 054
- Club Email: kimfletcher83@hotmail.com
- Club Website:
- Secretary: Dimitri Garafoulis
- Club Address: PO Box 68
Hastins 3915
- Phone: 0400 337 624
- Club Email: bassstraitgamefishingclub@outlook.com
- Club Website: https://bassstraitgamefishingclub.com/
- Secretary: Brendan Hocking
- Club Address: PO Box 45
Black Rock 3193
- Phone: 0419 291 76
- Club Email: brendanhocking@gmail.com
- Club Website: https://www.bmys.com.au/
- Secretary: Trevor Pullinger
- Club Address:
- Phone: 0417 323 667
- Club Email:
- Club Website:
- Secretary: Paul Fincchiaro
- Club Address:
- Phone: 0407 337 221
- Club Email: secretary@greenvalefishingclub.com.au
- Club Website: https://www.greenvalefishingclub.com.au/
- Secretary: Ashley Hannon
- Club Address:
- Phone: 0418 148 603
- Club Email: ashhannon42@gmail.com
- Club Website: https://www.kbfc.org.au
- Secretary: Artur Cunningham
- Club Address: PO Box 3245
Morewell 3840
- Phone: 0417 3665 752
- Club Email: simr22@bigpond.net.au
- Club Website: https://www.lvgfc.com.au
- Secretary: Bruce Gomes
- Club Address:
- Phone: 0411 744 231
- Club Email: mitchamangling@gmail.com
- Club Website:
- Secretary: Jim McClymont
- Club Address: PO Box 76
Orbost 3888
- Phone:
- Club Email: orbang@bigpond.net.au
- Club Website:
- Secretary: Shane Minge
- Club Address:
- Phone: 0413 438 162
- Club Email: otwayregionalsportfishingclub@gmail.com
- Club Website:
- Secretary: Gary Oates
- Club Address: PO Box 288
Leongatha 3953
- Phone: 0408 532 079
- Club Email: fiaparts@hotmail.com
- Club Website: http://www.sggfc.com.au
- Secretary: Mark Nan Tie
- Club Address: PO Box 49
North Essendon 3041
- Phone: 0449 554 035
- Club Email: info@swordfishandtunnyclub.org
- Club Website: https://www.swordfishandtunnyclub.org
- Secretary: Tim Hose
- Club Address: 23 Queenscliff Road
Newcomb 3129
- Phone: 0428 521 449
- Club Email: timothy.hose@bigpond.com
- Club Website:
- Secretary: Rod Johnson
- Club Address: 186 Station Street
Edithvale 3196
- Phone: 0409 561 530
- Club Email: vgfc@bigpond.com
- Club Website: https://www.vgfc.com.au
- Secretary: Anthony Smith
- Club Address: PO Box 537
Warrnambool 3280
- Phone: 0427 356 826
- Club Email: anthsmith70@yahoo.com.au
- Club Website:
- Secretary: Don Newman
- Club Address: PO Box 335
Hastings 3915
- Phone: 0400 194 998
- Club Email: info@wpac.com.au
- Club Website:
Western Australia
- President:Shane Anderson
- Secretary:Sheree Lannary
- Email:secretary@wagfa.asn.au
- Phone:0448 339 896
- Website:https://www.wagfa.asn.au

- Secretary: Marion Lutz
- Club Address: PO Box 1957
Broome 6725
- Phone: 0429 616 701
- Club Email: managert@broomefishingclub.com.au
- Club Website: https://www.broomefishingclub.com
- Secretary: Captain Tim Carson
- Club Address: 28 Jervoise Bay Cove
Coogee 6166
- Phone: 0429 676 237
- Club Email: joja9699@bigpond.com
- Club Website: https://www.cpb.org.au
- Secretary: Deb Foster
- Club Address: PO Box 121
Exmouth 6707
- Phone: 0417 911 631
- Club Email: secretaryt@egfc.com.au
- Club Website: https://www.egfc.com.au
- Secretary: John Wroth
- Club Address: 151 Marine Terrace
Fremantle 6160
- Phone: 0417 960 068
- Club Email: kohn.wroth@mgroup.com.au
- Club Website: https://www.fsc.com.au
- Secretary: Anthony Barnett
- Club Address: 216 Marine Terrace
Geraldton 6530
- Phone: 0427 778 564
- Club Email: gdofccommittee@gmail.com
- Club Website: https://www.gycwa.com.au/the-club
- Secretary: Brian Snook
- Club Address:
- Phone: 0429 491 714
- Club Email: gpresident@jurienbayanglers.org
- Club Website: https://www.facebook.com/groups/927231861637266
- Secretary: Leon Brislane
- Club Address: PO Box 179
Karratha 6714
- Phone: 0448 485 572
- Club Email: presidentkbgfc@gmail.com
- Club Website: https://www.kbgfc.com
- Secretary: Michael Sassella
- Club Address: PO Box 42
North Beach 6920
- Phone: (08) 9447 1733
- Club Email: enquiries@maac.com.au
- Club Website: https://www.maac.com.au
- Secretary: Dean Eggleston
- Club Address: PO Box 441
Busselton 6280
- Phone: 0417 837 078
- Club Email: natplast@bigpond.com
- Club Website: https://www.facebook.com/groups/18459068895
- Secretary: John Smith
- Club Address: 2A Howard Parade
Salter Point 6152
- Phone: 0400 225 549
- Club Email: john@truworkwear.com.au
- Club Website: https://www.nwgfc.com.au
- Secretary: Aiden Humphries
- Club Address: PO Box 57
North Beach 6920
- Phone: 0413 623 352
- Club Email: president@pgfc.com.au
- Club Website: https://www.pgfc.com.au